About Our Special Edition of the Letter to the Hebrews

About Our Special Edition of the Letter to the Hebrews

The Special Edition of the Letter to the Hebrews is a bilingual translation in Yiddish and Classical Hebrew. A small book that is an excellent introduction to the Jewish character of the New Testament. It is especially printed for ultraorthodox communities. 

The book comes with a nice preface in Yiddish that explains the origins of the letter, and gives a short summary of its content. Why Yiddish? Because Yiddish is the predominate language spoken in ultraorthodox communities worldwide.

The text of the Letter to the Hebrews itself is in a bilingual format. The right page shows the text in Classical Hebrew, while the left page shows it in Yiddish. This book is small-sized and handy. It has a premium look, and you can easily hand a copy out, or take one home with you.
